Sunday, 20 September 2015

Phutawan pomegranate Body Lotion review

So, a friend was coming back from Bangkok, Thailand, and one of the souvenirs she bought from me was this organic pomegranate body lotion, an authentic Thai product, in a small bottle:

100 ml; the size is ideal for travel. Let's close up to what it's written on the packaging: 

Brightening Skin plus sunscreen protection
Pomegranate body lotion that brighten your skin by gently regenerating the new 
skin cells, allows you to always remain young. Blended with vitamin B3, this
amazing lotion helps to (eliminate? reduce?) production of dark-skin cells, thus radiated your skin.
With the nutrients from vitamin C, the perfect anti-oxidant compound, protects your
skin from oxidative elements, brings back your youth skin, to brighten your day.

It's from Phutawan brand; unfortunately they don't have official website that displays their whole product range, but from what I browse this brand makes organic products, which means they contain no paraben, alcohol and artificial fragrances.

Anyway. Although this lotion says it has sunscreen, but I prefer to use it at night before I sleep because it smells so good, so yummy like the real pomegranate fruit, so delicious that I feel like I want to eat my skin, lol. I don't really like to use it in the morning or afternoon since the scent tends to fade quickly when I'm sweating, unless I don't do a lot of activities during daytime. 

By the way, I forgot to photograph the substance, but it comes in this light orange color:

The scent can last for 7 hours, it still lingers on my skin when I wake up. Lovely. And as personal favourite, I love to spray Peach Delima body mist cologne from Dewi Sri Spa after I wear the lotion, for a more long-lasting effect. It makes a perfect combination with the lotion smell. FYI Delima means pomegranate fruit in Indonesian/Malay :)  

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